Welcome to JeevanPortal. We're dedicated to giving you the very best of education syatem and indian digital services information . with a focus on your government examinations preparation. We now serve free and simple services in all over india . We hope you enjoy our web-portal as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.
-:- OUR TEAM -:-
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Suraj Singh

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Pratik Chaudhary

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Anil Singh


Vishal Srivastava

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Suraj Thakur

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Nitin Nair

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Sushil Rathor

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Sahil Sharma

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Tridev Singh

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Shubham Sharma

CEO / Co-Founder

Suraj Singh Badhautiya

I am Lamp Stack Developer . I am 19.5 years old . I am graduated from Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra in 2018 . if you want to contact me you can contact on these email id's
1- indiansjobentry@gmail.com
This webportal is developed by Our Team .


About JeevanPortal :

India being the Largest country of mobile phone using crowd, still we face the issue of lack of information from the government and having been facing the issue of unemployment people face a great a problem in obtaining the knowledge and guidance for coming up with the same. we at JeevanPortal are a group of individuals who believe in that information and knowledge is meant for everyone and should be accessible at any time. We believe in common force of knowledge and hence we have come up with JeevanPortal to come up with solution, we provide Information on three mains except government documentation, government Jobs and Competitive Exams.

JeevanPortal Vision :

Our vision is to bring information to everyone, anywhere and anytime the list of Services provided by us are info on govt jobs (including applications for Indian Armed Forces), links to all major govt Documentation such as Aadhar card, Pan card and voter ID. We want everyone to be at the center of the pool of information.

Third Party Libraries :

Creative Tim (Material Kit - v2.0.6)

Product Page: https://www.creative-tim.com/product/material-kit
Copyright 2019 Creative Tim (https://www.creative-tim.com)
Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/creativetimofficial/material-kit/blob/master/LICENSE.md)

Coded by Creative Tim


Website Link: https://icons8.com/
Copyright 2020 Icons8 (https://icons8.com/)
by Icons8